Conservation project
East Kalimantan

The project will transform a logging concession of 36.500 ha into a
conservation area and protect millions of trees from getting cut.

East Kalimantan, Indonesia

REDD+ or Conservation


REDD+ – VM0048
Conservation – SCM0006

The project consisting of a 36.500-hectare forest, nestled within the Borneo Lowland Rain Forest Ecoregion, located in the Regency of Mahakam Ulu within East Kalimantan Province, exemplifies our dedication to environmental conservation. It plays a crucial role in the Tropical & Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests biome, showcasing rich biodiversity, including vulnerable species like Bornean hornbills and sun bears.

Converting this timber harvesting concession and preserving its old-growth trees is essential to prevent the release of hundreds of thousands of tons of CO2 annually, making it a crucial carbon sink and a sanctuary for vulnerable wildlife.

Project Area

36.500 ha

Most Pessimistic Annual CC

 3,50 Credits/ Ha/ Year (15% buffer, 20% leakage, >20% NDC deduction)
→ 127.750 Credits/ Year
→ 3.832.000 Credits over project lifetime

Optimistic Annual CC

 6,5 Credits/ Ha/ Year (15% buffer, 20% leakage, 20% NDC deduction)
→ 237.250 Credits/ Year
→ 7.117.500 Credits over project lifetime

Project lifetime

30 years (crediting period: 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2055)

Project type

REDD+ VM0015



Land tenure

Concession until 2052, with extension

Project Area

36.500 ha (Project Accounting Area 29.737,66 ha)

 Annual CC average
→ Total Volume

 6,14 Credits/ Ha/ Year (10% buffer, 20% leakage, 20% NDC deduction)
→ 224.110 Credits/ Year
→ 6.723.300 Credits over project lifetime

Project lifetime

30 years (crediting period: 01/01/2025 to 31/12/205)

Project type

 SCM0006 – Conservation of Areas of Biodiversity Importance


Social Carbon

Land tenure

Concession until 2052, with extension

Beyond carbon

A successful project is defined by more than a high amount of CC, for us the social & biodiversity impact is at least as important.

We aim to contribute to the following 7 SDGs in our Indonesia project.

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